

Dead sites for Jehovah's Witnesses searching for the truth about the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society

Note: This is now a legacy web page. See end.

Well these are the ones that I am aware of over the last year or so and there would be many more that I don't know about. Also if you are looking for information these sites are no longer active. However anyone curious about these sites should find this page interesting.

So what makes a site dead? A slightly tricky classification. Mainly if a web site returns nothing, DNS address could not be found, or Server not found etc, that's pretty much a good indication. But I have noticed some sites return a blank page or junk or domain provider advert saying parked. And one isitdown check returned Parked or site currently under maintenance. But if a site stays out of action for a long time it is probably a good indication that it is in the process of dying or dead.

And a site may actually put a sign there saying that it is under reconstruction. Any doing that are not dead and will not be on this page. But I will put the rest here and if any pop back up into activity they will be removed from here and put back on my general reviewed sites page.

Also because a site is no longer with us does not mean that it was a bad site. Just that it's no longer with us—it has passed into the ethernet of the world wide web. And does not necessarily mean the group running the site was good or bad either. Both are here.

And groups may continue on though some don't. For example some sites have mutated—the group has moved to another site, like say facebook. Some groups have gone in that direction. The ones here are basically sites I have previously reviewed and the information still exists though removed [or not] from my current reviewed sites page. These are the reviews I gave these sites while they were active. Enjoy.

Also since each review was looking to see if a site was friendly toward Christianity and the Bible, and the sites were supposedly relating to the Jehovah's Witnesses organization, I decided to call the rating for each site a "Jehovah" rating. That is, if the site was actually friendly toward Jehovah or not.

Armageddon Museum CULT101 Danny Haszard - Watchtower Whistleblower Ex Jehovah's Witnesses of Los Angeles exjw REUNITED Free Minds, Inc JEHOVAH'S TRUMPET Jehovah's Witness Blog Jehovah's Witness Outreach Project Jehovah's Witness Truth Jehovahs Witnesses Revealed JW Alumni JW Awake JW Podcast TAZE Watchers of the Watch Tower World Watchtower & Awakening Watchtower Investigated UK Watch Tower Investigation

Armageddon Museum

My last gathered info dated before 16 Aug 2015 follows...

"Bloopers and Deformities from the materials and lectures of leaders in the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society"

Honestly I don't know what to make of this one. Whether this is a complete sendup—or all completely legit.

I'll leave that to any JWs who have a look at this. Get back to me on this one. Will rate as very good until otherwise.

Seems to have a lot of curious stuff here. Some link to their own site and some do not. For example, one reference to a Saturday Evening Post article bounces to

Actually I followed that link and found the following:

Historical Publications
Relating to Jehovah's Witnesses

Links to Sources & Articles Relating to Watchtower History

And looks like an awful lot of stuff just on that page too—a veritable treasure trove!
Anyway whichever, this site looks like quite a lot of fun!

Some of the articles open on a large Christian site so no obvious anti-Bible agenda etc.

Jehovah rating: Very Good

JW Alumni
Main site appears dead but facebook page still open:

Added 20 Oct 2017.

Hi, I'm Misha Verollet, I live in Vienna (Austria), and I'm a business consultant for a digital agency as well as a freelance writer and cult expert. I am the author of the book Goodbye, Jehova! which was published under the pseudonym of Misha Anouk.

On CULT101, I aim to share my experiences with cults and the extensive research on this subject. Some of the content you find here is taken from my former projects JW Alumni and Taze.

After extensive Bible studies and research, I came to the conclusion that the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses is a religious scam and it is not for me. Therefore, active Jehovah's Witnesses would probably consider me an apostate. I bear no grudge against Jehovah's Witnesses on an individual basis. But I believe that any religion should be open to scrutiny and criticism to incite to reform. I have acquired extensive knowledge about cults and religious control groups and aim to share this knowledge here.

Technically, anybody who believes in Jehovah but may disagree with interpretations of the "faithful and discreet slave", no matter how minor the disagreement may be, is an apostate. ... I like to think of myself as an Alumnus of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, on account of the fact that I have graduated to a new, self-determined life beyond the Watchtower. ... I am exerting the free will and power of choice that was bestowed upon me - either by a God Creator or by Evolution, depending on what you believe in now.

Personally, I prefer to view myself as an alumnus: an Ex-Jehovah's Witness.

"either by a God Creator or by Evolution, depending on what you believe in now"
Sounds like no bias either way? Not quite. Articles on the site are pretty much supportive of Evolution and the view that religion is pretty bad. For example the book page recommendation has


God Is Not Great:
How Religion Poisons Everything

by Christopher Hitchens

Now granted this site supposedly is about helping people caught up in cults so maybe we could excuse Misha for listing books like this but nevertheless a title like this suggests little or no support for God or any religion at all. So we definitely could not support this site. But should it be completely avoided? The following answers this question.

Opening, Misha's previous site, gives the following information:

Say Goodbye to Taze. And Hello to CULT101.

We're moving. Thank you for your support. You will find a selection of our content at the new website

Do you know our atheist web comic series Rectangled? Check it out here!

So Misha is clearly pushing atheism and by that conclusion CULT101 gets an Avoid rating. Someone may say but Stephen they are trying to help people.* There are many other sites that are doing that without pushing atheism.
* I question this below.

And I have found the following...

Sadly, one encounters a lot of logical fallacies in Jehovah's Witness' publications. A very popular one is the Strawman Argument, which we encountered recently in the February 2015 issue of Awake, in which Watchtower asked: How did life begin? Through Evolution or Creation? The fallacy: Misleading their readers to believe Evolution attempts to explain the origin of life. But that simply isn't true. Evolution provides an answer to the diversity of life, whereas Abiogenesis explains life's origin. A perfect example for a Strawman Argument. A great knowledge base for the beginning skeptic.
"7 Knowledge Resources Free-Thinking And Former Jehovah's Witnesses ( Should Try"
Posted on August 29, 2016 by xxx
Previously posted on TAZE, 21 January 2015.
article originally found following a link from
which was a tag JW Alumni had for Lloyd Evans.

And I had to admit I was stumped as to what abiogenesis is:

Abiogenesis (AY-by-oh-JEN-e-siss]) or biopoiesis is the natural process of life arising from non-living matter such as simple organic compounds.

Well it's obviously not Biblical creation. The view being put forward here is for "the beginning skeptic."

And some more...

In conclusion:
The numbers are in and they leave no doubt: The world has never been a better place to live in. The so-called prophecies Jehovah's Witnesses base their claim on are one size fits all: You could apply them to any century in human existence and get it right. Data tells us there has been no significant increase in events described in biblical prophecy. Rather, most of the numbers have been steadily declining since 1914. There is absolutely no evidence that we are living in the Last Days.
Posted on August 29, 2016 by xxx

If you had a close look at the last article some of the graphs were rates. For example, homicides per hundred-thousand per year but the years given are from 1300 to 2010. The world population growth from 1300 to 2010 may suggest another story. So you have to be very careful with articles like this.

A closer analysis of this document reveals some disturbing points. There are two main problems and they are reasonably serious.

Problem 1. Misha builds his conclusion from the belief that there needs to be a growing trend since 1914 for us to believe we are living in the Last Days according to JW teachings. Most Christians probably believe we are living in the Last Days anyway but one Christian group date the time of the end according to the Book of Daniel [Chapter 12] as starting at the closing of the 1260 year prophecy as at 1798 when the Pope was taken prisoner and some view this as the church of the middle ages receiving a deadly wound. This deadly wound was healed with the Lateran Treaty in 1929 but Misha trying to build a case from 1914 seems to me like shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic. If we've been in the time of the end since 1798 then looking for a lot of trends from 1914 really may not be answering the question properly. And if as Misha suggests the JW view is for increasing through this period then does them being wrong make the Bible wrong? It's definitely a straw man approach.
Not all Christians believe this but see

Problem 2. Misha claims that the numbers are now in and they leave no doubt. "Data tells us there has been no significant increase in events described in biblical prophecy." But this may be a little questionable. Some of the graphs showed rates and not actual numbers at all. So this may not have been completely honest with the statistics.

Problem 1 looks like a straw man approach. Build a false case and then knock it down.
Problem 2 shows some possible mishandling of the data.

Then using these "results" claiming that "There is absolutely no evidence that we are living in the Last Days" is definitely questionable. It could also be dangerous especially considering that if the warnings in the Bible are true we really need to take heed else we will have no excuse when the prophesied times of trouble do come upon this world.

Considering these points it does put a bit of a shadow over what Misha is trying to do. And even though his main plan is to help people, using documents like the one mentioned above is not really supportive of that. And also having an agenda of pushing atheism shows a very biased approach where it really should be as unbiased as possible. Overall this does sound reasonably serious and I feel that anyone struggling with any cult may be better off steering well clear of this site. And with this thought I have no choice but to downgrade his rating from Avoid to Definitely Avoid.

But what about Evolution and stuff like that? For a Christian who wants to believe in a young earth created no so long ago by God it's not that easy. But nor is it simple for the evolutionists either.

Christians can say by faith we believe in God and the Bible. And evolutionists may rubbish the Bible story of Adam and Eve and a seven day creation week but it's just not that simple.

Science [with evolution] attempts to explain the natural world. But science cannot explain the supernatural world. The Bible is a spiritual book and it does explain the spiritual or supernatural world. And before Misha jumps in and says this is all bunk he should consider the following quotations:

The real UFO story must encompass all of the many manifestations being observed. It is a story of ghosts and phantoms and strange mental abberations; of an invisible world which surrounds us and occasionally engulfs us; of prophets and prophecies, and gods and demons. It is a world of illusion and hallucination where the unreal seems very real, and where reality itself is distorted by strange forces which can seemingly manipulate space, time, and physical matter—forces which are almost entirely beyond our powers of comprehension. John Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, p.46.

Recently the U.S. Government Printing Office issued a publication compiled by the Library of Congress for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research: UFOs and Related Subjects: An Annotated Bibliography. In preparing this work, the senior bibliographer, Miss Lynn E. Catoe, actually read thousands of UFO articles, books, and publications. In her preface to this 400-page book she states:

"A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing, and invisible entities, as well as phenomena like poltergeist manifestations and possession. … Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demoniac possession and psychic phenomena which has long been known to theologians and parapsychologists."
John Keel, pp. 44, 45.

Thousands of mediums, psychics, and UFO contactees have been receiving mountains of messages from "Ashtar" in recent years. Mr. Ashtar represents himself as a leader in the great intergalactic councils which hold regular meetings on Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and many planets unknown to us. But Ashtar is not a new arrival. Variations of this name, such as Ashtaroth, Ashar, Asharoth, etc., appear in demonological literature throughout history, both in the Orient and the Occident. Mr. Ashtar has been around a very long time, posing as assorted gods and demons and now, in the modern phase, as another glorious spaceman.
John Keel, p.230.

The endless messages from the space people would now fill a library, and while the communicators claim to represent some other world, the contents of those messages are identical to the messages long received by mediums and mystics. p. 183.

Meanwhile, mediums, telepaths, sensitives, and UFO contactees throughout the world were all reporting identical messages. There was definitely going to be an unprecedented event on December 24, 1967. Ashtar was talking through Ouija boards to people who had never before heard the name. Another busy entity named Orlon was spreading the word. The curious thing about these messages was that they were all phrased in the same manner, no matter what language was being used. They all carried the same warning. p. 282.

Many predictions of the December twenty-fourth disaster had been documented well in advance of that date. These messages came through in many different countries, from people who had no knowledge of or communication with one another. The UFO contactees received the same identical messages as the trance mediums communing with spirits. A link had been established. It was now clear (to me anyway) that all of these people were tuned into a central source. My earlier speculations seemed true—the UFO entities and the spirit entities were part of the same gigantic system. ... Some of the entities were evil liars. p. 283.

John Alva Keel, born Alva John Kiehle (March 25, 1930 - July 3, 2009) was an American journalist and influential UFOlogist who is best known as author of The Mothman Prophecies.

In 1967, Keel popularized the term "Men In Black" in an article for the men's adventure magazine Saga, entitled "UFO Agents of Terror". According to Keel, he initially sought to explain UFOs as extraterrestrial visitations, but later abandoned this hypothesis. His third book, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse published in 1970, linked UFOs to supernatural concepts such as monsters, ghosts and demons. Keel used the term "ultraterrestrials" to describe UFO occupants he believed to be non-human entities capable of taking on whatever form they want.

His 1975 book, The Mothman Prophecies was Keel's account of his investigation into alleged sightings in West Virginia of a huge, winged creature called the "Mothman." The book combines Keel's account of receiving strange phone calls with reports of mutilated pets and culminates with the December 15, 1967, collapse of the Silver Bridge across the Ohio River. The book was widely popularized as the basis of a 2002 film of the same name starring Richard Gere.

Prolific and imaginative, Keel was considered a significant influence within the UFO and Fortean genre.

The Mothman Prophecies is a 2002 psychological thriller film directed by Mark Pellington, based on the 1975 book of the same name by parapsychologist and Fortean author John Keel. ... The film stars Richard Gere as John Klein, a reporter who researches the legend of the Mothman.
The film claims to be based on actual events that occurred between November 1966 and December 1967 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.

A gigantic spiritual system that is communicating to this world through ouija board messages, mediums, telepaths, UFO contactees and so on? And just who is this Ashtar guy?

Science gives no answer to this.

The Bible gives us all the answers.

And hardened skeptic that he was, John Keel made an amazing statement towards the end of his book about the UFO phenomenon:

The Bible warns us that during "the last days" this planet will be overrun with wonders in the sky and false prophets and performers of miracles.
John Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, p.306.

Could anyone else have said it any better?

And for CULT101/TAZE/JW Alumni?
Jehovah rating: Definitely Avoid.

Danny Haszard


Added 19 Oct 2017.

Danny Haszard is a third-generation Jehovah's Witness. He grew up believing the end of the world was just around the corner. Worldly concerns were unimportant - getting braces on his teeth, accepting his developing sexuality, finishing high school and even treating his ulcerative colitis took a back seat to the sureness of the rapture ahead. But a few years back, Haszard began to question the teachings of his church, and he ultimately left the spiritual community altogether. Since then, he says, he's been shunned; he thinks his mother died recently in Florida, but he has been unable to make contact with church members or his family. "Basically, I got voted off the island because I didn't sell enough Watchtowers," he says. Now, angry, sick and on a mission, he stages a one-man picket on a noisy corner across from Bangor's City Hall.

Don't take my word for it INVESTIGATE for yourself be a healthy skeptic, use your critical thinking skills.

"ultimately left the spiritual community altogether"
"be a healthy skeptic"

Not a happy site. A lot of anger shows through—which he obviously has quite a few reasons for. Also there is an underlying current of skepticism but it is not really being pushed. Not exactly a hidden agenda but we couldn't endorse this as Jehovah friendly. Not necessarily to avoid, but just not endorsed.

Jehovah rating: Not Endorsed.

Ex Jehovah's Witnesses of Los Angeles

Added 22 Oct 2017.
Technically this site is not really dead—but as Ex Jehovah's Witnesses of Los Angeles it looks like it is. Opening the site now shows the home of a Los Angeles Hip Hop Radio station. If there are any ex-JW messages here they aren't obviously listed. Only time will tell. Info from earlier group running this site follows:

Now there is help for you!
We know how lost and alone ex Jehovah's Witnesses feel when they leave the Watchtower Society. We serve the Greater Los Angeles and Orange County areas, so join us and share your experiences with us. We are a Christian-based group, but all former Witnesses are welcome.

You are not alone anymore!
Every day, Jehovah's Witnesses are leaving the Watchtower organization by the hundreds, even thousands! The problem is that when you leave the Organization, you lose many of your friends and family members. You are accused of "apostacy" and everyone you knew and loved now "shuns" you. In our group, since we have all "been there, and done that," we understand what you are experiencing.

Jehovah rating: Very Good.


Added 5 May 2018.
About January 2016, the following notice appeared:

"Website currently under reconstruction"

with just an image displaying and all previous pages and links gone.
And this state of affairs stayed the same till about the end of April 2018. Then the site appears to have gone completely dead, and here we are.

Some old info dating from 2015 follows:

"This website is a compassionate and objective resource for Jehovah Witnesses who have left or are thinking of leaving the religion. Join us to share opinions, read others' experiences, make new lifestyle choices and get the support and information you need to live a full and happy life after JW."

Rachel Underhill, ...
"When I left the Jehovah's Witnesses, I found it really difficult to adjust and couldn't find help anywhere," Rachel says. "Those early days were so difficult and I've always felt that if I could have talked to someone, or emailed someone who was going through the same thing, it would have helped me so much. That's why I decided to start this website, to help people who have either experienced or who are experiencing the same thing as I went though when I left the religion."

"Here, at exJW-reunited, people can chat to each other, offer suggestions and encouragement and get back in touch with old JW friends. I am sure there are many who, like me, lost contact with others who left; now realise what they must have gone through and wonder how they are. It's just the kind of site I would have valued when I was thinking of leaving the religion, so I'm hoping others will value it now."

Their Home page has 8 large picture sections to choose from:
Careers, Celebrations, Leisure, Relationships, Spirituality, Style, Support, and Travel.
And a general menu along the top of the page:
Home, Stories, Facts, News, Forum, Register, and Contact.

However, selecting Spirituality opens their page with the following listed under the main heading of Spirituality:

Aetheism - Worship - Religious Groups - Healer - Alternative & Complementary Therapists

None of these sites suggested appear to be actually supportive of Christianity. The closest you get is but Christianity is only one offering of quite a few. Their Inspiration tab mentions angels and astrology along with Christian. In fact it appears to be a mixed bag with a lot of different types of religions apart from some Christian ones mentioned such as:

Bahai Faith, Falun Gong, Jainism, New Thought, Nation of Islam, Pagan & Earth Based, Scientology, Secular Philosophies, Shintoism, Sikhism, Taoism, Unitarian Universalism, and Zoroastrianism. And there's probably some others hiding around.

And for listing an event on the UKSpirituality site you have to accept pledges of which one is:

Emphasize that there is no single answer to life's great questions, no one way of understanding the sacred element of life, and no one spiritual path that is right for everyone.

OK there is some interesting stuff here but I obviously couldn't endorse this site as Jehovah friendly. In fact just what sort of a friendly rating could this site have? Considering the heading for their Spirituality page and the site links given if I was thinking of a friendly rating it would have to be

No God, One God, Many Gods friendly.

And considering this is the Spirituality supported on this site up front from the Home page [it's not even a hidden agenda] I really have to go with Avoid.

Jehovah rating: Avoid.

"Watching the Watchtower World"

Site's down. Again. Previously it looked like these nutcases were possibly rebuilding their site. One search stated they were "in the middle of a quick build" but now the site is just not responding. Anyway I think the monkey says it all. Read my following comments. For the site when there was some activity:

Image:Monkey from

If you are looking for a site to find the truth about the Jehovah's Witnesses organization, keep looking. This is not it. This is a very dark satirical site and I would not recommend it for any beginning investigators. Maybe not even anybody.

Some of the comments from this site are extremely
derogatory of Jehovah and definitely not supported
by the Bible. We only give them here to show you
what this site is like. A lot of the humour is
extremely dark. Very, very dark. But some of it
is also very funny. Very, very funny.
We give you both.
Note: the comments on this site are not a true
reflection of Jehovah or the Bible. That is, the
true Jehovah of the Bible.

Admittedly I had actually been aware of this site for something like half a year before adding it to this list of rated sites. Why? Simply because when I did originally see it I was mainly looking for links and checking their links page showed a list of links that I would have expected to see on a standard JW site.

So I thought this was a site that was supportive of the organization and moved on. But about six months later I noticed a comment about this site on one of the others that stated that this was actually a satirical site. Satirical? So this site was not really supportive of the JW organization? OK then I thought I had better have a closer look at it. And this is what I found...

About us
Friends, we have been accused of satire, and we need to address this issue. ...
Friends, accusations are very serious things. We know how Jehovah feels about a false accuser, so care must be taken when we accuse others. We are just like you. We love Jehovah. We anxiously await the bloody slaughter of seven billion men, women, children and babies.

About witnessing to muslims

Friends, Jehovah has tasked us with preaching his word to all people, regardless of race, nationality, or religion. As we scour the earth searching for those with the right heart condition, we are likely to bump into some radical Muslims. ...

If, after some conversation, you determine that they are radical, the next step would be to find common ground with them. This should not be difficult. ...

Compliment them on their wholehearted dedication to God. Like Phinehas, they display courage and obedience in bravely slaughtering wrong doers, ...
However, explain that in our present day, God has asked us to now leave righteous massacre in his capable hands.

Introduce them to shunning as metaphorical stoning to help ease the disappointment they may feel over learning this. ...
While stoning is carried out against one sinner at a time, shunning can be carried out against an unlimited number of sinners simultaneously. Show how shunning can be an alternative to honor killing. Share with them your own personal story, and tell them how many of your children you are shunning at this moment. Likely, this will tug at their hearts, and they will hear the ring of Truth.

... imagine the future joy both you and a right-hearted one can experience when you stand shoulder to shoulder and witness, not twelve, not hundreds, not thousands, but over seven billion infidels slaughtered all at once! We pray it comes soon.
"Witnessing to Radical Muslims"
22 January 2015.

It's hard to give this one a title

Friends, we all yearn for the day when we can truly be happy. We also know that before that day can arrive, Jehovah must destroy the rebellious. We gleefully and longingly await the slaughter so that we no longer have to deal with our everyday problems. ...

So we know that Jehovah will massacre 7,145,908,810 people to secure our happy future. That's a lot of fat and happy birds. May it come soon! ...

This leaves us with a very low estimate of 630,498,958 babies slated for destruction. Jehovah, in his wisdom, understands that these children must be slaughtered in order for us to enter an age where death and suffering will be no more. Only then will be spared the grief of babies dying ...

Worldly people wrongly assume that providing vaccinations, clean water, malaria nets, and nutrition will solve humanity's problems. We know that their efforts are a huge waste of time and resources that should be spent handing out magazines. ...
We know that soon, very soon, those babies will be slaughtered, ...

No longer will we have to tolerate a world where anyone disagrees with us. This earth will be cleansed of all wickedness, including over a half billion babies. ...

Friends, when you are praying for an end to this wicked system, an end to violent people, murderers, thieves, swindlers, doctors and judges that save our children with court-ordered blood transfusions, teachers that encourage our children to fulfill their potential, and godless humanitarians who put their efforts into saving lives rather than putting their faith in Jehovah, don't forget the babies. Hundreds of millions of them stand between us and true happiness, and we pray for God's Kingdom to wipe them away with the rest of this wicked system soon.
"Half A Billion Babies In The Way!"
15 December 2014.

Article on Evolution

If they can convince themselves that humans are genetically related to monkeys, this liberates them to throw feces at each other. Yes, Friends, feces. ...
While the Theory of Evolution emboldens these wicked ones to throw feces at each other, it also encourages them to fornicate like bonobos. ...

Image:Richard Dawkins, arguably the most rabid defender of the Theory of Evolution, admits in his book, 'The Greatest Show On Earth: The Evidence For Evolution' that

Richard Dawkins, arguably the most rabid defender of the Theory of Evolution, admits in his book, The Greatest Show On Earth: The Evidence For Evolution that "Genesis ... must be said ... to be ... fact" (pages 29,30,59,82).
"Evolution: A Satanic Theory"
8 July 2014.

And a really good comment summing up this site? I'm going to adjust a review for a film that someone gave on the IMDb site. It's pretty good and fits this site really well. Really, really well:

This is "satire" at the level of the Carry On films- when a site uses throwing feces and fornicating like bonobos for supposed comedic effect, you know your time is wasted on it. ... If you want to read comedy, satire, or even a discussion about the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, there is surely better stuff than this.
with apologies to user 1825343
See their review for Dogma at:

Image:Monkey from

Jehovah rating: Avoid.

Jehovah's Witness Blog

Currently showing an advert for the site by the domain provider. Possibly meaning it looks dead.

And The facebook page now appears to have been removed.

My last gathered info for the old main site follows...

"Denouncing Jehovah's Kingdom"

Possibly a clue in their subtitle?

This is Jaymes Payten's site—he's the founder and one of the original presenters on JW Podcast. See my review.

Welcome to JWB (Jehovah's Witness Blog), where we denounce Jehovah's kingdom and take a look at the funny side of being a Witness. JWB is designed to help people make up their mind about joining or leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses.
We take an in depth look at their beliefs and analyse the history of Jehovah's Witnesses and expose the truth about this group, including the bits they don't want you to know.

Sounds good? I thought so too until I looked at their [not small] area on Bible Prophecy. These are not part of the blog but a large section showing at the bottom of the opening page and every page. Note: not WBTS Prophecy, but Bible Prophecy.

On the virgin birth:

This botched sign of a false prophecy cannot honestly be used as a prophecy about Jesus. ...
As for this being a prophecy that Jesus fulfilled: on a scale of 1-10 I think you'll agree that I'm being generous in giving it a zero.

When Jesus Christ was born:

So, having our hero born in Bethlehem does not fulfil a prophecy about the messiah being of the clan of Bethlehem. ... But there is no record that Jesus was of the clan of Bethlehem or that he was born in Bethlehem or anywhere else. ...
Just as in the first "proof-text" of the supposed prophecies fulfilled by Jesus, this second on when Jesus Christ was born has been a complete disappointment, and has just served to reveal still more errors in the Bible.

Blogs are difficult to rate as anything can happen. Posts can change on a daily basis and one day be supportive and another day not. But the posts showing of course would be at the discretion of the person[s] running the site. That being the case some of the articles here I have seen are very derogatory of Christianity. Some examples:

Zombie Jesus - The Untold Story
Submitted by Jaymes on April 12, 2015 - 1:24 pm
Has small drawing of Jesus looking like a zombie in a zombie type of walk with title He Hath Risen!
"I saw him come back to life, but the man I saw rise seemed altered, different in a strange way. I could tell it was him, but his face had changed. Was his flesh rotting? Was his heart beating? I cannot answer these questions, what I do know is that this man was returned to the world, but he was no man, rather a shadow of a man that once was. In an earlier vision, I saw him commanding other men to eat his flesh and drink his blood, then saw visions of these men changing too."

Eve and The Snake - Part One
Submitted by Jaymes on April 22, 2015 - 10:53 pm
"Adam is again off somewhere. God knows where. ...
I had fought off the light beings when I was younger. They let me blossom before coming for me, and they came. At first, they came alone. I begged my husband, yet he did nothing. They then came after me in packs until I couldn't fight them any longer.
Azazel was the one that continued to hunt me. Gabriel and the others didn't care much for me after they had their way with me, but Azazel was different. He enjoyed being inside me. ... As he threw me onto my stomach, he lent in, pulling my hair back whilst he placed himself in me."

Bible "Family Values"
Submitted by Steve on July 19, 2015 - 9:38 pm
This is point number 3:
Need God to help you out with some overwhelming task? Offer to burn your daughter as a sacrifice to God and he'll be sure to help you.

And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord: "If you give the Ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord's, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering."

The first two articles here are Jaymes' and show his thoughts on Christianity and the Bible pretty clearly. And the article by Steve, obviously supported by Jaymes, shows the general trend of this site and also fits in well with the large section on Bible prophecy. These articles are very insulting of Christianity and the Bible hence the rating.

JWB claims to take an in depth look at JW beliefs and analyse the history of Jehovah's Witnesses but a large part of this site appears to be a direct attack on the Bible and Christianity.

So no matter how good the actual JW articles are, this site gets a strong definitely avoid rating.

See also JW Podcast on my ratings page. on my ratings page.
Jehovah rating: Definitely Avoid.

Jehovah's Witness Outreach Project

Looks like the main site has closed and the bunch have moved to facebook. As such it is no longer strictly a "site" and also operating like a blog they are very difficult to rate. But the facebook page does not appear to have any recent activity and a link to twitter appears to be dead. Site completely abandoned?

My last gathered info dated before 26 Sep 2015 follows...

Jehovah's Witness Outreach Project

We have created this site as an educational tool to enable you in making your decision as to joining, or leaving, the Jehovah's Witness denomination. We have cited all of our resource information so that you can verify the accuracy and see that we do not distort the facts, take information out of context, or spread lies.

... many take the view that Jehovah's Witness teachings are very compelling, thus they are convinced that the Jehovah's Witness denomination is the only one with real Biblical truth. On the other end, many are equally convinced that Jehovah's Witness teachings are faulty and thus view the denomination as a false religion.

Because of these opposite views it was decided to create this website so that you, the reader, can make an informed personal decision regarding the Jehovah's Witnesses and whether their teachings are genuine, biblical truth.We are a group who simply shows the bare facts on the Jehovah Witness teachings and compare them directly with the Bible without bias.

Whether you are a Jehovah's Witness or simply someone interested in the religion, we pray that our Heavenly Father guides you into His truth through the workings of His Holy Spirit.

Inclusion in these lists does not automatically endorse all content within the links.
Please use good sense, prayer, and biblical reasoning.
General Links
Challenging the Atheists

Sounds like fun!

Jehovah rating: Very Good.

Jehovah's Witness Truth

Previously checked 8 March 2018 and was redirecting to the official JW site Probably meant the main organization had bought the domain which would have become available and are using it to get a bit more traffic? Kudos to them. Currently the site is displaying a page of online casino slot machines. So whatever JW influence was there is now gone.

My last gathered info for the old bunch follows...

Information site with very limited site links. But information looks good.
On entry opens to Table of Contents with some topics:

[about the New World Translation, the JW Bible--Stephen]

subtopics listed: 1914, Blood, Born again, The Magi, The Cross, The Little Flock, The Great Pyramid, Spiritual growth by grace not law

listed: Nelson Barbour, Emphatic Diaglott

listed: Picnic or Paradise

Various quotes:

True Christians follow God's Written Word and not any individual or organization. We thoroughly examine all doctrine to ensure that it is in agreement with Scripture. When our beliefs are questioned we should be able to explain or defend our beliefs with Scriptural evidence. Remember whenever a question or debate was brought before Jesus He expressed His authority and always had the last word.

No one can predict by science or scripture the coming of Jesus. The emphasis is on preparation, not calculation {Matt 24:44}. But being the loving savior that he is he gives us an edge on knowing. We don't have the time but we know what will happen before his coming.

Jesus' coming will be obvious, unexpected, sudden, and in a twinkle of an eye be seen by all, just as if lightning would flash from the eastern horizon across the sky to the western horizon, filling the whole space. So will the return of the Christ be {Matt 24:27}. He will not be in any secret place or out in the desert. His return will be unmistakable {Matt 24:26}. Will we be caught off guard? Just like in Noah's day we will be going about our daily business. There will be no time for last minute repenting or bargaining, whatever choice we make will determine our eternity. Just as the judgment during the flood caught them unaware, so will the return of Christ catch us unaware {Matt 24:38}. There will be deep mourning among the people of the earth, because unbelievers will suddenly realize that they had chosen the wrong side {Matt24:3}.

Observations on the article Picnic or Paradise [see Questionable Art]. OK obviously Christians are going to have a lot of different views here and I don't hold some of the points being made. Nevertheless this is their response to the JW view and I am not going to condemn them for that.

Jehovah rating: Very Good.

Jehovahs Witnesses Revealed

My last gathered info dated before 25 Sep 2015 follows...

Looks like a straight information site. No obvious hidden motives.
There does not appear to be an About or Who We Are section to read. But the articles, videos look pretty informative; about Blood Transfusions, Christmas, The Other Sheep, Jehovahs Witness in the News, Jehovah's Witness Videos, Hot Topics, stuff like that.

Let me ask everyone a question. Based on all the miss information about the end of the world and the false prophecies, the flip flops on organ transplants, the ban on vaccinations at one point and more, would you really let your child die based on what the Watchtower said? How can it be "Gods Organization"?

There is also a featured video and a categories and blogroll menu, along with an advert for Bible Trivia and some blog links to a non-denominational church group.

Doesn't look like any hidden anti-Bible agendas here.

Jehovah rating: Very good.

JW Awake
"This website is a compilation of Watchtower doctrinal changes over the years.
This website is based solely on published Watchtower material and teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses."

Added 12 Apr 2019 but probably closed a long time before this.
A search gives
JW Awake - Home | Facebook
but opening the page it appears to have defaulted to

Anyway my last gathered info probably dating before 5 May 2018 follows:

Not that clear that this is supportive of God, the Bible, or Christianity as it is just a compilation of JW material [which means it really should be even with all of their problems]. But having had a quick look I will say that this site is AMAZING!!
An example:

Image:Did the Edenic serpent have legs?
What have Jehovah's Witnesses historically believed regarding the serpent in Eden mentioned in Genesis chapter 3?
YES - The Watchtower, June 1, 1964 p. 352 - Questions From Readers
It, therefore, is reasonable to conclude that before God cursed it the serpent possessed legs that elevated it above the ground.
NO - po (1974) chap. 5 p. 59 pars. 15-16 God's "Eternal Purpose" in His Anointed One Is Formed
"Upon your belly you will go and dust is what you will eat." This was not a curse upon the whole serpent family. Seemingly God's words were addressed to that one literal serpent.
NO - The Watchtower, June 15, 2007 p. 31 - Questions From Readers
The Bible does not specifically state that the animal used in tempting Eve had previously had legs but lost them. While the wording of Genesis 3:14 might lead some to think so, we need not necessarily conclude that prior to this curse, serpents had legs.

Jehovah rating: Good.

JW Podcast
OK the main org site is currently displaying a blank index page. And it did disappear previously for a year or two. The facebook page appears to have been removed so this is not boding well for the group. And looks like the YouTube page is now gone also. They still get some search mentionings so will also leave on my Reviewed Sites page. They could be having a break as the last video showing on the podbean site is for Nov 2018. The following info is for early in 2018. Enjoy.

JW Podcast is dedicated to revealing the truth about the Watchtower Organisation and the practices of its members, the Jehovah's Witnesses. It's the aim of the JW Podcast team to bring everyone up to speed on the teachings of the Watchtower in a fun and entertaining way.
Our podcast covers current JW events and news, looks at older, hilarious Watchtower teachings, and we interview guests, all within a biweekly show. As we love to laugh, we bring an element of humour into the mix too. old site 2014

This was the original spiel for the group but there was a subtle atheist flavour to the podcasts with most or all of the guest speakers not being supportive of the Bible. Jaymes is now back with a new style of podcasts but looking at the first couple they are showing a strong anti-Bible atheistic trend and much stronger and more vitriolic than any of the earlier podcasts.

The Jehovah's Witness Atheist Comedy Podcast Show
Rubbishing the Bible and Jehovah
Catering to approximately 11% of the ex-JW community
Not the official title but a few lines that I feel give a reasonable description of the flavour of the podcasts.
The 11% is a rough approximation using the world demographics of atheism. The current info from wikipedia suggests this is lower and could even be as low as 3%. And the actual proportion leaving a religious population may be even lower.

2018 March 3: is back!

Image:The old site's up and running!!
Very short analysis

JW Podcast was founded in 2014 by Jaymes Payten. After a couple of seasons the site closed down in 2016. Though still closed some of the bunch decided to return and do some more podcasts making these available on other sites listed above. Jaymes was not involved in these new additions. Late 2017 or early 2018, due to some creative differences, Jaymes decided to take back control and resurrect the old site. As of 3 March 2018 the site is back and up and running though still being reconstructed in parts.

The flavour of the early podcasts was atheistic with Jaymes being an avowed atheist and antagonistic towards the Bible, Jehovah, and Christianity in general. Lloyd Evans, one of the cofounders of JW Podcast, an agnostic, and unashamed supporter of Evolution, was also one of the annnouncers, along with some other people, including a guest speaker some weeks.

Jaymes' new podcast outlines a specific format: some questions from listeners, then the hot topic of the week, and finally his new section he's calling Doctrine Debate or double D. Though there doesn't appear to be any debate here. It's more a rubbishing of the Bible. And Lloyd, though professing to be an agnostic, just seems to go along with any atheistic comments that Jaymes makes on these podcasts.

If you are just after information, the podcasts are very entertaining, and discuss current events and problems within the JW community.
But if you are after an analysis of current JW problems with a Bible perspective and correct Biblical view answering these problems you won't find it.

There is no support for the Bible here. Jaymes is more interested in rubbishing the Bible and Jehovah.
In short, if you are not just after some information but also seeking some spiritual food, you will have to look elsewhere.

And A Short Reflection On Jaymes' Doctrine Debate Section

This new section takes the podcast straight out of the general information stuff about the JW community to something completely different.
Debunking the Bible.
Jaymes is an atheist. Lloyd claims to be an agnostic though he talks like an atheist.
Lloyd says he clearly doesn't understand the Bible. The book of Revelation doesn't make any sense to him. Jaymes thinks it's all rubbish. What possible advice could these two people give?
And they certainly don't have the answers.

Here's an example. From JW Podcast Mouse Droid March 23 2018. Talking about the firmament:

"If there was this firmament out there, do you know what would happen to the pressure on Earth? We would all be pancakes." 41:30

Interesting. I read on the internet that the average thunderstorm cloud contains approximately 275 million gallons of water. And around 1,800 thunderstorms occur across our planet every day. 1 gallon of water weighs approx 3.785 kg*. That gives the average thunderstorm carrying about 1 billion kg or 1 million tonnes of water. Hmm the last time I had this amount of water passing overhead I didn't really feel much pressure or anything like a flattened pancake.
* 3.785 kg
Technically kgs are a measure of mass. One solution is to write 3.785 kg wt to avoid this confusion. Note: the weight of the water depends on gravity so this measurement [kg wt] is probably meant to be at sea level. On Earth. Go to the Moon and the water is still 3.785 kg mass but now would weigh about one sixth its weight on Earth.

And on these two struggling with 2 different perspectives from the early chapters of Genesis: How are they going to cope with the Gospels?
4 different books. 4 [or more] different writers. 4 different views. 4 different perspectives.
If they are struggling with 2 different perspectives now how would they handle the four Gospels?

There are some things that are difficult to understand in the Bible and I may not have all the answers but I'm pretty sure that these two certainly don't have them. The JW community information stuff is very interesting and they should just stick with that.

end of short analysis

A much longer and deeper look

The old main site
had been gone for a while but is now back in action. And yes, Jaymes has beaten the great tribulation, this time.

Sounds like the atheist trend is still there [but have only checked the first 5 in season 3 so far] so will leave my added subheadings above as is. I have removed the 50-67% [see below] as there are new speakers. Yeah it's still there--I have had a look at Episode 60. See below.

Here's some old news:
Some time after 30 April 2016 the site went dead for a while with no activity whatsoever. Then...
17 Dec 2016: The old site was currently redirecting to JWsurvey, which is Lloyd Evans' [a.k.a. John Cedars] site. Lloyd is one of the original JW Podcast speakers and a co-founder. see below for more info. This was a hopeful sign that the old site was going to be brought back into action. And only time would tell!

21 Feb 2018 really big breaking news!! The old site was showing:

Image:The old site's bouncing back!!

And a really great message from Jaymes... [which does look very promising]

Hi guys,

It's Jaymes here - the founder of JW Podcast all those years ago.

I've now taken back control of the podcast as it was sort of verring off into a direction that I had never envisioned it to. For instance, when I launched JW Podcast, I never wanted it to be a platform where we throw other ex-Jehovah's Witnesses under the bus, but rather a podcast that current and ex-Jehovah's Witnesses could listen to and relate to the things they were listening to.

From this point on, we're going to be looking forward and getting back to the fun stuff!

We'll be recording the new show soon, so stay tuned!


February 18, 2018
JW Podcast - Going Back To Its Roots

Also the claim "The new website will be here before the great tribulation" was quite safe. Does this mean the new podcast team will be more amenable to prophecies in the Bible? Probably not but the new website claim was a safe bet. But Daniel 12:1 one day will come to pass and probation for this world will close. An interesting thought and one Bible topic they should look into.

The "new" direction of JW Podcast

Some sad news. Yes I have had a peek at the new episode JW Podcast - Episode 60 - Violins and Pillows dated Feb 23 2018 on the podbean site. The download version comes down as Episode 61. Take your pick. The main topic is a very curious mess that will be of more interest to JWs. On reflection I found Jaymes' new section of more importance as it changes the Jehovah rating for JW Podcast. From Not Endorsed/Avoid [a mixed rating] to straight Avoid. Here's why....

Jaymes introduces the podcast as first some questions from listeners, then the hot topic of the week, "then we have Doctrine Debate, can we call that double D?" Jaymes then asks will someone write in and complain? And Lloyd replies if someone doesn't complain he will. Bit of humor there but sadly it would be better labelled as Doctrine Debunking as Jaymes starts with the opening verses of Genesis and rubbishes them. Lloyd's closing comments on this section are "that a lot of the stuff that you took really really seriously you really shouldn't have been taking seriously at all." Talking about the Bible. So this changes the rating for JW Podcast to Avoid. Definitely. [and more below]

And another point before continuing on...

Debate? There is no debate here. The Dictionary Definition [2Ds?] for Debate suggests "opposing arguments are put forward" or discussing "pros and cons". There is no support for the Bible here. It is all one sided. There is no pro here, it is all con. [Interestingly also a very subtle comment].

So Jaymes and Lloyd are discussing a label for his doctrinal section. Perhaps some more fitting labels may be
Jaymes' Doctrinal Drivel Section, or
Jaymes' Doctrinally Disappointing Section, and so on.
Jaymes' Doctrineless Debateless Section

If you are an ex-JW searching for spiritual nourishment to fill the void left by the main organization, sadly you won't find it here.

So here we have a completely astounding situation. The old JW Podcast site is coming back into operation and Jaymes Payten, the original founder, is no doubt spearheading the operation. In short, JW Podcast is at the cross-roads of destiny. Will it bounce back, pushing its old atheist views, catering to only a small percentage of the ex-JW population? Or will it be more tolerant of Christianity, and give more helpful information to a people who are starved of spiritual nourishment, which the JW organization may have failed to supply?
Note: the first two new podcasts suggest they are going with the small percentage of the ex-JW population direction.

If JW Podcast does not fill this need, be sure of one thing, people looking for spiritual food will find it. Just not here.

In fact, let's give the podcast team a little help in this direction. Jaymes is starting up a doctrinal discussion section for the podcasts. So here is a short list of suggested topics they could discuss that might help feed any ex-JWs who may be looking for some spiritual nourishment.

Stephen's list of fascinating topics for the podcast team to consider

1. Funds for Babylon. Jehovah says of Babylon "it shall be no more inhabited for ever" Jeremiah 50:39. Why haven't all the atheists in the world started a fund to rebuild Babylon for habitation as a city and prove Jehovah wrong?
2. 500 year message. The prophet Daniel spoke of a period of time the Jews were to wait for the Messiah to appear. A period of approximately 490 years. Daniel 9:24-27. The correct dating of this prophecy does lead to the actual baptism of Jesus at about 27 AD and His death at about 31 AD.
3. Who moved the stone? The stone had a Roman seal and a Roman guard was placed watching the tomb. Yet Sunday morning the stone had been moved and the body was not there. Who moved the stone?--which would have been done on pain of death, maybe even crucifixion itself.
4. Jesus was dead on the cross. Why? The cross did not kill Him. What did?
5. Why didn't any Christians die in the destruction of Jerusalem 70 AD? What warning were they given and how did they escape?
6. Julian, Emperor of Rome decided to rebuild the temple and prove Jesus a liar. "While Alypius ... urged .. the execution of the work, horrible balls of fire breaking out near the foundations, with frequent and reiterated attacks, rendered the place, from time to time, inaccessible ... the undertaking was abandoned." Chapter XXIII, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, by Edward Gibbon. What's going on here? Even a Roman Emperor couldn't break prophecy.
7. Isaiah 53. Just who is the man of sorrows mentioned in this chapter?
8. Satan claims to be one billion years old. This is a message one person received using a Ouija board. Can we believe him?

Unfortunately thinking about this a little more it doesn't bode well. Jaymes Payten founded JW Podcast in 2014 and Lloyd was there from the beginning, with his claim of agnosticism, but going along with all of Jaymes' atheistic comments on the show. As of 2018 basically nothing had changed. 4 years on and these two people sound pretty much the same as they did when JW Podcast started.

And on the Phil Collins podcast dated 2018 March 9 I would now say they sound worse. The negative Bible comments on this one podcast are stronger than any of the ones I heard from the early days of JW Podcast:

"an ancient confused muddled scroll of dubious origins"
"widely discredited and fanciful and PTSD inducing account" about Creation [30:58]
"Genesis ... it reads like a fairy story and there's no real meaning to it ... the writings of Paul and some of his rants about sin and blood and sacrifice and that kind of thing" [37:29]
"you get to the last book Revelation which is just this kind of LSD kind of trip from beginning to end" [38:17]
Lloyd Evans speaking about the Bible
JW Podcast - Phil Collins

So can any good come out of these podcasts for ex-JWs? There is one approach that may work.

The questions and answers section should be interesting. And the hot topic should also be interesting. When you get to Jaymes' Doctrinally Dismal Section, if he starts rubbishing the Bible or Jehovah, just turn the podcast off. That's probably the best advice I could give anyone at this point in time. But things might improve. Only time will tell.

Considering that the atheist trend is still very strongly there I will leave the following info here for the old site [2014-2016]:

The Jehovah's Witness 50-67% Atheist Comedy Podcast Show
Catering to approximately 11% of the ex-JW community
My last gathered info for the old main site from 30 April 2016 follows:

Apparently the group had called it quits and all moved on. Here's a brief rundown...

The Jehovah's Witness Podcast Show

JW Podcast is a show for current and former Jehovah's Witnesses that first aired in October 2014 and continued for two seasons. In total 28 shows were produced covering a range of topics ...

Nineteen of the first twenty episodes were hosted by co-founder Jaymes Payten, the final eight episodes were hosted by Patricia Russell, and one episode was hosted by co-founder Lloyd Evans. ...

Sadly, in March 2016 the show ended, and the remaining hosts Patricia Russell, Louise Goode and Lloyd Evans decided to go their own separate ways. ...

There are currently no plans to resurrect JW Podcast, and the hosts are no longer collectively represented anywhere on social media ... However, this website will remain for the foreseeable future in tribute to the show.

Over the course of time there were 5 different presenters, Jaymes Payten, Patricia Russell, Lloyd Evans (a.k.a. John Cedars), Louise, a.k.a. Katie Kitten, and Stephanie Hammond (a.k.a. ApostateChick), with them all being listed now as Former presenters of JW Podcast on the site.

Jaymes Payten was the founder and main presenter for all of season 1 and stepped down early in season 2 passing the reins over to Patricia Russell. Lloyd and Louise appear to have been there for most of the podcasts along with Stephanie who likewise dropped off early in season 2.

So what were the presentations about anyway? An earlier page gave the following info:

JW Podcast is dedicated to revealing the truth about the Watchtower Organisation and the practices of its members, the Jehovah's Witnesses. It's the aim of the JW Podcast team to bring everyone up to speed on the teachings of the Watchtower in a fun and entertaining way.
Our podcast covers current JW events and news, looks at older, hilarious Watchtower teachings, and we interview guests, all within a biweekly show. As we love to laugh, we bring an element of humour into the mix too.


The presentations were very entertaining with plenty of interesting topics. And they no doubt are going to be sadly missed by many people [but good news... they're back! See above].

But there did seem to be a strong underlying atheistic feel with guest speakers like Steve Wels, the author of The Skeptics Annotated Bible. And though some of the presenters were openly atheistic, not all of them were. However the trend of the podcasts did appear to be strongly atheistic. As an example, the podcast "Life After God", certainly supports that premise.

JW Podcast S02E09 "Life After God"
Ryan Bell pastored an SDA church in Hollywood for 8 years before leaving after struggling with gays and lesbians comprising a small part of his congregation and their involvement in the church. After leaving he spent some time visiting other churches, SDA and various Christian faiths, and after puzzling over various beliefs and worship styles decided to take a year off to confront his biases, and by the end of 2014 decided that people had created God and not the other way around, became an atheist, a humanist, with a pragmatic relationship with religion, and finally decided not to participate in it anymore.

Definitely an unhappy run. But not everyone may have taken the same course of action.

In all of this he appears to have lost his faith and belief in the Investigative Judgment and the cleansing of the sanctuary because on this podcast he just willingly agrees with Louise that Jesus was just washing his hair in 1844:

Louise: I know what He was doing. He was just washing His hair. In 1844.

Ryan: That's right. Yeah. And now we know that that's what that was about.

It is a curious question to ask if the podcast team would have welcomed Ryan with open arms like they obviously have here if he had remained a Christian and taken a completely different approach to the problems he encountered.

And apart from possibly a couple of interesting short questions and answers there's really not much here that would be much use for anyone--SDAs or JWs.
[any shunning like in JWs, and can SDAs do yoga--JWs are not allowed]

There doesn't appear to be any deep digging in any direction. And there is a fair bit of laughing about any beliefs.

Pretty much a podcast put together by some atheists for some other atheists.

And the Investigative Judgment? It didn't get investigated.

The second half of the podcast is listening and responding to some of the voicemails received over the previous few weeks, and some other stuff. Those segments will probably be of more interest to JWs. Haven't listened to them yet. Probably don't have to. My response is pretty much what I wanted to say above.

Sadly, this is not really surprising since JW Podcast was launched by Jaymes Payten in 2014. Jaymes Payten appears to be very unsupportive of the Bible and Christianity, with a large part of his main site Jehovah's Witness Blog being a direct attack on the Bible and Christianity. And it did show through the podcasts, even though after 5 years of JW activism he handed the reins over to Patricia Russell.

I did find Jaymes to be an excellent presenter and very easy to listen to, even though his atheistic comments were at times a bit disappointing. And the atheistic trend in the podcasts must have been disappointing to the majority of ex-JWs who have left the organisation. And this is puzzling.

The 2015 poll results for the demographics of atheism gave 11%!!

Studies on the demographics of atheism have concluded that self-identified atheists comprise anywhere from 2% to 13% of the world's population, whereas people without a religion comprise anywhere from 10% to 22% of the world's population. Several polls have been conducted by Gallup International: in their 2012 poll of 57 countries, 13% of respondents were 'convinced atheists' and in their 2015 poll of 65 countries 11% were 'convinced atheists'.

If you think about this it is pretty clear that any group coming out of a religious organisation is likely to have a much smaller proportion than the world demographic proportion. So let's call this atheistic group coming out of the JW organisation the 11-minus group and the non-atheist or religious proportion that will obviously go into main-stream Christianity [or other religions] the 89-plus group.

So it is pretty clear that JW Podcast is catering to the 11-minus group or less than 11% of the ex-JW community. Either the JW Podcast team are not aware of this or they just don't care. Is this a problem? Not really. The majority of anti-JW information sites are actually supportive of God, the Bible, and Christianity, or at least non-negative. So there are plenty of sites for the ex-JW 89-plus group to go to. JW Podcast is in the small minority that are negative to God etc. Not really anything to worry about.

Why 50-67%? It depends how you do the split. There were roughly 4 presenters in the first season with Jaymes being replaced by Patricia for the majority of the second season and Stephanie also not being there dropping the number to 3. All the presenters sound pretty atheistic, but Lloyd claims he is an agnostic/deist so he is not an atheist. So for the majority of the second season that leaves 2 out of 3 or as I have above approximately 67%. And if you add Stephanie into the mix for the first season that makes it out of 4. But although Stephanie claims she is an atheist she actually fails a test for being one. That leaves 2 out of 4, or as I have above–50%. And putting these results together I have listed this as possibly 50-67%.

Though I am personally agnostic/deist (open to the existence of a creator of the universe but doubtful that he, or it, takes an interest in human affairs), my aim is to avoid offending any individual, especially on the issue of whether they believe in God or not.

On Stephanie's 'Defy Gravity, Fly Above...' video presentation she makes the statement
'Yes you can be spiritual and not be religious.'
and is no doubt claiming to be a spiritual person without being religious. Unfortunately for her this negates her claim to being an atheist according to a quote from wikipedia:

With respect to the range of phenomena being rejected, atheism may counter anything from the existence of a deity, to the existence of any spiritual, supernatural, or transcendental concepts,..

Further info...

For Stephanie see Apostate Chick
For Jaymes Payten see Jehovah's Witness Blog and also Apostapod
For Lloyd Evans (a.k.a. John Cedars) see JWsurvey and also CULT101

"Lastly, always allow yourself to think critically!"
Certainly with what they are presenting, this is pretty good advice!

And for JW Podcast?
Jehovah rating: Avoid.

Watchers of the Watch Tower World / Free Minds, Inc

Added April 2019 though it probably closed down quite a few months before this.

a non-profit organization keeping a critical eye on the Watchtower (Jehovah's Witnesses)
We are not affiliated with any religious organization

If one reason alone should be chosen for deciding a group or organization is not from God, it should be the love among themselves. Not the phony cookie-cutter love in cults (that only loves you if you have given up your natural self to be what they want you to be), but the decision to love others in spite of your differences, and to be able to trust such a person to do good. Whether one be a Christian, Buddhist or atheist, the story of the love of Christ reveals a greater love that can change our lives.
"Recovering Your Family after leaving the Watchtower"
on left menu as "Restoring Family"

Jehovah rating: Very Good.

Watchtower & Awakening

Looks like bunch have moved to facebook.
Also looks like they're now calling themselves Apostate Awake.

My last gathered info dated before 16 Apr 2016 follows...

An Apostate's Blog On Atheism, Agnosticism and Reason
[well there's a pretty big clue--Stephen]

This blog is a venting of creative steam that will manifest the whirlwind in my mind and commit it to a website for the benefit of either

those that have gone (or are going) through a de-conversion
people curious about atheism, agnosticism and reason
readers with genuine disagreement who would like to open a dialogue

An Atheist at Christmas
As an atheist, apostate and skeptic, I am asked the same question every year.

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. [this was a quote--Stephen]

Jehovah's Blessing
To an atheist, there are many strange and unsubstantiated claims we hear regularly. One of the most prevalent is the confirmation bias of attributing good things as 'God's blessings' and bad things as either 'Satan' or just 'life'.

and so on and so on and so on...
Admittedly looking at this site the atheistic push seems to be forefront to any investigation of the WBTS.

Jehovah rating: Avoid.

Watchtower Investigated UK
Note there is a current site still alive:
"Another Blog from UK Partnerships for Christ ("
The site appears dead so that's why this is being listed on my dead sites page.

Welcome to Watchtower Investigated UK, this blog seeks to educate Christians about the beliefs and difficulties within The Jehovah's Witness faith both biblically and historically, and seeks to engage with members of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WBTS) with respectful discussion but also seeking to challenge them lovingly with the Biblical gospel.

Sounds good.

Jehovah rating: Very Good.

Watch Tower Investigation

Added 19 Oct 2017.

'Willful Blindness' is a term that I have heard that I believe aptly describes the attitude of many Jehovah's Witnesses. My guess is that they feel they have too much invested in their life as Jehovah's Witnesses to deal with any possibility that they have been wrong.

Willful Blindness does not stand up in man's court and it certainly will not stand up in Jehovah God's court. You may want to think about that if you plan to follow the Watch Tower Society for an eternity without so much as questioning their credentials.

This organization has destroyed families and taken away the happiness of thousands upon thousands of people some of whom simply could not accept some particular Watchtower teaching. This same organization that told Jehovah's Witnesses in 1943 that man could never get into orbit demands that Witnesses not dare to even question them.

There is so much proof in their own literature that condemns the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society as false teachers and false prophets, that there is absolutely no excuse for anyone who chooses to ignore it and remains a member of the Watch Tower organization.

Doesn't take much to read here to realise this is Jehovah friendly.
The site map probably gives a better view of this site else looks like long pages of writing.

Topics include:
The Watch Tower from the beginning
Where in the Bible does it say Jesus was created?
Are Jehovah's Witnesses the only group that preach the good news?
Thousands Dead & Dying; but does anybody care?

OK but has an irritating drop down asking you to share the site with friends in Facebook every now and then.

Jehovah rating: Very Good.

Armageddon Museum CULT101 Danny Haszard - Watchtower Whistleblower Ex Jehovah's Witnesses of Los Angeles exjw REUNITED Free Minds, Inc JEHOVAH'S TRUMPET Jehovah's Witness Blog Jehovah's Witness Outreach Project Jehovah's Witness Truth Jehovahs Witnesses Revealed JW Alumni JW Awake JW Podcast TAZE Watchers of the Watch Tower World Watchtower & Awakening Watchtower Investigated UK Watch Tower Investigation

Further, this is a work in progress. Will add if any others found. If I have accidentally added a site and you find it is actually still active or bounced back from the world wide web netherworld, let me know and I will move it back to my reviewed sites page.

For an understanding of the ratings approach I used and how it came into existence see my Being True to Jehovah page.

* any not really sure will leave on both pages. After some time say [pick a number] months will consider a site fully dead and info will be completely removed from my reviewed sites page and fully reside here.



grim reaper

Stephen Buckley
Last revised: 15 Dec 2019.
Approximate construction date: 16 Apr 2016.

Companion pages

Being True to Jehovah My intro page about navigating the plethora of information sites that are available for JWs who may be questioning why they are where they are.

Reviewed Sites for JWs searching for the truth about the WBTS.
This is my list of reviewed sites for Jehovah's Witnesses who are searching for the truth about the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Basically the same list of reviewed sites as on my Being True to Jehovah page but as their own stand-alone page. And more information about how and why this list was constructed can be found on my Being True to Jehovah page.

Approved sites for JWs searching for the truth about the WBTS.
A small number of anti-JW information sites are atheistic, or anti-God, or anti-Bible. But there are actually many that do not have an anti-God or anti-Bible agenda. And some even have a positive bias. Here's a list of the good ones that I have found.

Sites to Avoid for JWs searching for the truth about the WBTS.
Though the majority of anti-JW information sites are supportive of God, the Bible, and Christianity, or non-negative, there is a small number that are atheistic, or anti-God, or anti-Bible. Here's a list of the negative ones that I have found. Avoid.