
The Paul movie—a puzzling review

Why is this movie anti-religion and pro-Evolution?

Author: stephen7455 from Australia
6 June 2014

This is a pretty good question.
Actual UFO communications do not support the sentiments promulgated in this movie:

The Creator has sent people from outer space to guide Earthmen as they free themselves from darkness and bondage. These spacemen, in the name of the Infinite Father, will raise up men with eyes to see and ears to hear. This message is therefore proclaimed to all the inhabitants of the Earth. George Williamson, Other Tongues—Other Flesh, p.129.

and a smattering of some loose religious sentiments from this same book:

Watch ... the sorrows of Earth ... the Father's authority ... His will ... worry not ... serve the Infinite Father. Pity ... love ... pray ... for they know not what they do ... OTOF, p.516.

George Williamson's book is loaded with UFO communications. And the above quotations show very clearly that not only are the UFO entities very religious, but that they believe in a supreme being who created the universe. However they do hold a curious view of Evolution.

Their concept of Evolution appears to be a bit of a fruit salad:

Evolution is a fact, but does not, however, as so many assume, teach that man is descended from an ape or monkey. OTOF, p.242.
Man, therefore, came from races of angels mixed with beasts, ... OTOF, p.244.

The UFO entities and the space people clearly do not believe in the evolution of mankind as such. They do appear to believe in some form of evolution of life from the Creation but not of mankind.
Note: the Orion Confederation view is more in line with the religious group we support.

And if the UFO entities actually believe that man did not evolve but had to be brought into existence by the interaction of angels then this is a completely different view to the general concept of evolution.

Image:Saucer This movie is so messed up!!

So why the muddled views in the Paul movie?

"Numerous scenes throughout the film deal with the controversy of Darwin and Evolution vs. Religion and Creationism, with the character of Paul the alien being the proverbial 'fly-in-the-ointment' of conservative Judeo-Christian doctrine. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, who are atheists, have alluded in BBC Radio interviews they had wished to delve deeper into the controversy but cut several scenes short in favour of flow and timing on film."

It appears that Simon Pegg and Nick Frost may very well be barking up the proverbial wrong tree with respect to their spiritual views and the UFO phenomenon.

The movie should be viewed as entertainment, and not the truth. After all, these are the guys who gave us Shaun of the Dead. You should not be expecting a documentary with actual facts about these sorts of things.

And if Simon and Nick want to delve deeper into this sort of controversy they may very well have to change their spiritual outlook a little!

The low rating I am giving this movie is purely for the very questionable and inaccurate sentiments put forward in this comedy movie about space aliens and UFOs. And sure, for a comedy about UFOs and space aliens we would ordinarily not be worried about dead accurate information.

But when the bulk of this comedy is at the expense of some people's religious beliefs and which also flies directly in the face of actual UFO communications then you have to start asking yourself just what is really going on here? Especially when the majority of people with strong religious views find this movie highly offensive and very unfunny, accuracy in these sorts of matters does become quite important!

It is a curious thought to consider just how this movie may have turned out if Simon and Nick had been more aware of just how wrong they were in their understanding of the actual beliefs of the UFO entities and the space people. This movie would have taken a completely different direction!

And some final thoughts on all of this...

The above UFO communications are authentic. George Hunt Williamson received the majority of his communications for his book from these UFO entities through the use of a ouija-board. See Wikipedia. That should give some clue as to the actual identity of these so-called UFO entities. Nevertheless the communications can be accepted as authentic from them and show that these UFO entities actually believe in a supreme being who created the universe.

So the only atheists in the entire universe live on this planet. Watching this movie. Mocking Christians who believe in God. While the actual UFO entities portrayed in this movie really do believe in a supreme being who created the universe.

That's laughable.

This movie is so messed up!!

Orion Confederation member

Image:Saucer So the only atheists in the entire universe live on this planet. Watching this movie. Mocking Christians who believe in God. While the actual UFO entities portrayed in this movie really do believe in a supreme being who created the universe.


George Hunt Williamson, Other Tongues—Other Flesh, 1953, Amherst Press: Amherst, Wisconsin. The pagination given here is for the epub version I have and is very approximate.

John Keel, well known UFO investigator and Fortean, referred to these entities more correctly as ultraterrestrials after he rejected the extraterrestrial hypothesis. See his book UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse. He also linked UFOs to supernatural concepts such as monsters, ghosts and demons. Wikipedia.

There are a couple of very minor typographical corrections such as a missing "to" that have been made here.
The * at the beginning of the John Keel reference was no longer necessary.
I have not been able to amend these on the IMDb page as my edit counts for this review have been used up.
Apart from these very minor adjustments the above text is identical.


2/10 rating? Well there are some problems with this movie from a Christian perspective but I have seen a lot worse and this movie does have some humour. I had to give Movie 43 a 1 rating as 1 is the lowest rating you can give on IMDb. This movie doesn't deserve that. So I'm giving it a 2.

OK I'm getting in here before I get really trounced for my rating of 2/10. Yeah, in retrospect it's not really worth that much. I should have given this the minimum 1. The continual negative [and incorrect] view of Christian beliefs and downright mockery remove any positive comedy points. And there is little doubt that God is not happy with this movie. Which brings me to a very interesting thought—which I have not read in ANY review of this movie:

Remember the classic Batman scene where one person decides to blackmail Bruce's company for so many million dollars? What about God? Consider the following hypothetical conversation between Simon and Nick and one of God's followers....

"Now let me get this straight, Simon and Nick. You two guys want to make a comedy movie about God's followers and completely make a mockery of them and Him and their beliefs and how this universe came into being. And this deity, God, is the supreme being who brought this whole universe into existence, has all power, and knows everything including what you are planning to do, and spends His spare time completely trashing the powers of evil darkness in this world and is not even worn out doing this. And this is the Deity you want to make this mocking movie about? Well good luck with that one fellas!"

A family safe movie for the kids to watch and upholding Christian ideals? Definitely not.


Who was John Keel?

John Alva Keel, born Alva John Kiehle (March 25, 1930 - July 3, 2009) was an American journalist and influential UFOlogist who is best known as author of The Mothman Prophecies.

In 1967, Keel popularized the term "Men In Black" in an article for the men's adventure magazine Saga, entitled "UFO Agents of Terror". According to Keel, he initially sought to explain UFOs as extraterrestrial visitations, but later abandoned this hypothesis. His third book, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse published in 1970, linked UFOs to supernatural concepts such as monsters, ghosts and demons. Keel used the term "ultraterrestrials" to describe UFO occupants he believed to be non-human entities capable of taking on whatever form they want.

His 1975 book, The Mothman Prophecies was Keel's account of his investigation into alleged sightings in West Virginia of a huge, winged creature called the "Mothman." The book combines Keel's account of receiving strange phone calls with reports of mutilated pets and culminates with the December 15, 1967, collapse of the Silver Bridge across the Ohio River. The book was widely popularized as the basis of a 2002 film of the same name starring Richard Gere.

Prolific and imaginative, Keel was considered a significant influence within the UFO and Fortean genre.

Note: it is believed that the character Richard Gere plays in this movie, and actually named John, is loosely based on John Keel himself and his experiences in West Virginia. The movie also gives a fascinating insight into the workings and abilities of the ultraterrestrials.

The Mothman Prophecies is a 2002 psychological thriller film directed by Mark Pellington, based on the 1975 book of the same name by parapsychologist and Fortean author John Keel. ... The film stars Richard Gere as John Klein, a reporter who researches the legend of the Mothman.
The film claims to be based on actual events that occurred between November 1966 and December 1967 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.

Who was George Hunt Williamson?

George Hunt Williamson (December 9, 1926 - January 1986), aka Michael d'Obrenovic and Brother Philip, was one of the "four guys named George" among the mid-1950s contactees. The others were George Adamski, George King, and George Van Tassel. ...

Having read William Dudley Pelley's book Star Guests (1950), Williamson worked for a while for Pelley's cult organization, ...
Pelley had generated huge quantities of communications with "advanced intelligences" via automatic writing, and very clearly was an immediate inspiration to Williamson, who combined his fascination with the occult and with flying saucers by trying to contact flying saucer crews with a home-made Ouija board. ... Williamson and his wife, and fellow saucer believers Alfred and Betty Bailey, became regular visitors to Adamski's commune ...

The Williamsons and Baileys continued their Ouija-board sessions, getting their own personal revelations from the Space Brothers, which led to a drastic falling-out with Adamski.

In 1954, Williamson and Bailey published The Saucers Speak which emphasized supposed short-wave radio communications with friendly saucer pilots, but in fact depended for almost all its contents on the ouija-board sessions Bailey and Williamson held regularly from 1952 onward. ... Williamson also reveals that while most space aliens are helpful and good, there are some very bad ones hanging out near Orion and headed for earth in force, bent on conquest.

Williamson became a more obscure competitor to Adamski, eventually combining his own channelling and the beliefs of a small contactee cult ... to produce a series of books about the secret, ancient history of mankind: Other Tongues—Other Flesh (1957), Secret Places of the Lion (1958), UFOs Confidential with John McCoy (1958), Road in the Sky (1959) and Secret of the Andes (1961). These books, when not rewriting the Old and New Testaments to depict every important person as a reincarnation of one of only six or eight different "entities, ... and, according to Williamson, spacemen had also helped materially in the founding of the Jewish and Christian religions, impersonating "gods" and providing "miracles" when needed. Williamson spiced his books with additional Ouija-revelations to the effect that some South, Central and North American ancient civilizations actually began as colonies of human-appearing extraterrestrials. Williamson can be considered a more mystically-inclined forerunner of Erich von Däniken; Secret Places of the Lion also displays the clear and explicit influence of Immanuel Velikovsky.

Considering that John Keel has described these UFO entities as a bunch of evil liars and put-on artists it would do well for the general public to reject these suppositions especially the part about the group from Orion being very bad.

Further reflections on all of this:
Just about all of George Williamson's UFO communications appear to have come by ouija-board. The ouija-board is a tool that is well known to be used by mediums to communicate with the spirit world during a seance. It would appear that the UFO entities who were communicating with George Williamson were in reality just the plain old lying spirits that have been troubling the human race since the beginning of time. These supposed UFO entities are not space aliens visiting this planet in space craft as they would have us believe. In fact they are just the old lying spirits that are mentioned in the Bible and who spoke through people, just like in a seance. The Bible refers to these evil lying entities as spirits or demons or devils or fallen angels. Take your pick. And just like John Keel's "ultraterrestrials", they are non-human entities capable of taking on whatever form they want.
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Stephen Buckley
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