


The Boat That Wouldn't Burn!
The Building that Moved
Ben Carson's Dream
The Bushman's Story
The Mysterious Rider on PG-16
The Day the Banks Crashed
The Man Who Died Twice
From Evolutionist to Creationist The incredible testimony of a former university evolution lecturer. But see Controversial section below. The incredible testimony of a former university evolution lecturer. But see Controversial section below.


UFOs THE ANSWER! Flying Saucers Ufonauts Extraterrestrials Space Aliens Flying Saucers Ufonauts Extraterrestrials Space Aliens UPDATED AND EXPANDED July 2011. More John Keel quotes. Translation update to RSV. Some small cosmetic changes in text. Completely new POSTSCRIPT section added.
Feb 2012: Translation update to NRSV.
  • Just what is the REAL story behind UFOs? Why do ghosts and strange phenomenon keep cropping up together with UFO activities?
  • UFO entities' hidden agenda for Earth finally revealed! Hidden in some UFO communications a message has been found that reveals their true agenda for the Earth planet!
John Keel's UFOs: OPERATION TROJAN HORSE: some gems Here are some real gems from John Keel's book UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse.

UFO ALIENS and DEMONOLOGY A challenge for those who want to believe in the UFO extraterrestrial theory. View these images and deny any relationship between demonology and space aliens!

The Paul movie—a puzzling review Why is this movie anti-religion and pro-Evolution? Actual UFO communications do not support the sentiments promulgated in this movie!

Do the Dead Speak? many people, some Christians included, believe that it is possible to communicate with the dead. Is it really possible? Here are the answers!

Christ Alive and Well in London An investigation of the claim that Christ has been sighted alive and well in London.

God's Sanctuary Did you know that God has a sanctuary? Ancient mysterious prophecies reveal an amazing story of how the Sanctuary of God is vitally important to the end-time events of this world's history!

The Seven Day Week in Bible Prophecy Where did the week come from? Why does it have seven days? Also what can we expect to happen at the end of time?

The Christian SABBATH A study investigating if there is a weekly day of worship for Christians; and a comparison of the Christian Sabbath, The Lord's Day in the New Testament with the Jewish Sabbath in the Old Testament.

The Lunar Sabbath There are a few groups that claim the Christian rest day should be regulated by the lunar month and not necessarily follow a rigid 7-day cycle. Trying to follow the construction of the calendar in Old Testament times they use the new moon to start each lunar month. But unlike the Jews they are all over the place: using a dark moon, a waxing crescent moon [like the Jews], and even the full moon! And this list may not be exhaustive. Similarly for day constructs: sunset, not at sunset, dawn, night time and so on. Some groups believe the Sun orbits the Earth, some don't. Same for the Earth being a flat circular plate. And the calendar they use appears to be very similar to the original Babylonian lunar rest-day calendar. A very curious situation and very novel read. Indeed.

Communications something different! Some interesting e-mails have come in; the replies have also covered some areas that are interesting. Time permitting will add to this. May not have time to reply to individual queries so this page may fill that need.


SUNDAY NOT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT! Well this is a disaster. Mainly for those who want to use any verses from the New Testament to support keeping Sunday, the first day of the week. A study of the Greek texts in the New Testament shows that ALL the verses mentioning the “first day of the week” or “Sunday” have been mistranslated. This study gives the correct translation. Nearly makes obsolete the study "Which DAY Should Christians Keep?" However there is a wealth of information there about the correct day of worship to make it still a very good and very important read!

The Seven Day Week in Bible Prophecy Where did the week come from? Why does it have seven days? Also what can we expect to happen at the end of time?

The Christian SABBATH A study investigating if there is a weekly day of worship for Christians; and a comparison of the Christian Sabbath, The Lord's Day in the New Testament with the Jewish Sabbath in the Old Testament.

Which DAY Should Christians Keep? This study looks at which day is the correct day for Christians to worship on. Part outdated due to new studies above. But there is a wealth of information here about the correct day of worship to make this still a very good and very important read!!

The Law of God versus the Law of Moses Some claim that the law was finished or done away with at the cross and we are now free in Christ Jesus. Yes, there was a law done away with but many will be surprised to find out that the Bible mentions 2 laws—here they are compared.

What the CHURCHES say about the SABBATH quotations from various churches etc about the Seventh day Sabbath.

THE LAW OF GOD: Picture; Text; Original THE LAW OF GOD: The picture option here shows a "Hebrewised" sort of looking text on tables but it's English so you can read it.
The original option is an attempt to show what the text probably looked like as it came from the hand of God.

Church Acknowledgements About Sunday
It's Jewish this is a poem; I'm not sure exactly where I got it from, but part of it appeared in Signs of the Times, August, 1976, p. 4.

Was Christ Crucified on Wednesday? Did Christ die on Wednesday or Friday? Some people believe that the crucifixion took place on Wednesday—after all, Jesus was in the tomb three days and three nights, wasn’t He? Here are the answers!

The Heart of God Alternative title: God's Heart. Curious study showing the earthly sanctuary in the Old Testament was symbolic of the Heart of God.

Finding the historical crucifixion date A very fascinating study looking for the Friday crucifixion date in some possible years that may yield a solution. Approach uses a couple of different new moon worship days that the Jews would have used to construct their calendar. Results give a date and suggest which new moon approach is most likely to be correct. An interesting study with two outcomes.

From Evolutionist to Creationist The incredible testimony of a former university evolution lecturer. Climaxes with his mentioning of leading an evolutionary discussion group with post graduate students at his university in a hall with all staff present. He started his lecture and then highlighted every single problem in the gene system as far as he had sorted it out and closed with the comment "Therefore Evolution is not possible!"
An extremely powerful and controversial presentation but sadly not convincing to many atheists.
This is not a proof. It is a testimony.
Nevertheless, this is a very wonderful and powerful presentation and anyone puzzling over Creation and Evolution should find this very interesting and definitely worth viewing.
It may not answer your questions. And then again, it just might!

The No God Delusion - Creation Vs Evolution - Marius Jigau. This is a Christian presentation and ends with a prayer. BUT the short bit of information presented here about Lucy (Australopithecus) is worth the video. In fact the Lucy information alone makes this presentation well worth the watch!


The Christian and Alcohol Some Christians maintain that “drinking in moderation” is not harmful, and that abstinence is not a Biblical principle. Is this view correct?

The Bible and Booze An Old Testament scholar looks at what the Bible says about drinking alcohol.


Should Christians Practice Yoga? A real hot potato as there are many Christians who practice Yoga. A recent study showed a very curious observance of the new moon by some Yoga groups which actually brings to light a very fascinating dimension to Yoga that not many people would be aware of.

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina --a sort of weird review. There appears to be a strange dark direction that a lot of TV shows have taken over the last decade. And it is noticeable. And could this be a part of or an indicator of the expected darkness beginning to envelop the Earth as we get nearer to the return of the Lord?

Sabrina and Salem. Teenage Witch show circa 1996.
Image:Sabrina and Salem. Teenage Witch show possibly 1996.

MISSING: 107 Million Atheists! Using the 2012 and 2015 Gallup International poll results for the demographics of atheism suggests that 107 Million Atheists are now missing. Just where did they go?

Bart Ehrman: Lost Scriptures, Lost Christianities.
The dust jacket for these books state Bart Ehrman chairs the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill [as of 2003]. Obviously a very controversial person! The book on "lost" "Christianities" champions the view that the books that did not make it into the New Testament actually were representative of various forms of "Christianity" that were competing in the first few centuries and that the current view of Christianity that we now have is the one that won the battle.

A very interesting read but when you actually look at the books he is championing it is pretty obvious that the bulk are gnostic or full of mystical views or if I dare say it, strange sexual views, that are not supported by the Bible. In short, his supposition really stretches the imagination.

I have a copy of both of these books as they form a companion set. I would not recommend the Lost Christianities book except as a really novel read but not to be taken seriously. However, the other book that Bart has put together is a very fascinating look at these books [completely translated where possible]. Not really "Lost" "Scriptures" but a good compilation of the actual books that did not make it into the New Testament. And as such a reasonable source book for a Christian to have to refer to whenever needing to discuss any of these "Lost" "Scriptures" with other believers or non-believers.


Should Christians Practice Yoga? A real hot potato as there are many Christians who practice Yoga. A recent study showed a very curious observance of the new moon by some Yoga groups which actually brings to light a very fascinating dimension to Yoga that not many people would be aware of.

Finding the historical crucifixion date A fascinating study with two outcomes—using various new-moon models to determine a possible date for the crucifixion. And finding this date shows just which new moon model is likely to be correct.

The Lunar Sabbath There are a few groups that claim the Christian rest day should be regulated by the lunar month and not necessarily follow a rigid 7-day cycle. Trying to follow the construction of the calendar in Old Testament times they use the new moon to start each lunar month. But unlike the Jews they are all over the place: using a dark moon, a waxing crescent moon [like the Jews], and even the full moon! And this list may not be exhaustive. Similarly for day constructs: sunset, not at sunset, dawn, night time and so on. Some groups believe the Sun orbits the Earth, some don't. Same for the Earth being a flat circular plate. And the calendar they use appears to be very similar to the original Babylonian lunar rest-day calendar. A very curious situation and very novel read. Indeed.

New Moon Importance Why the New Moon worship day is Important to Christians. The Bible Month, Mentioned in the new earth, Health, Bible Prophecy, The general Christian worship day, Easter and Christmas. Work problems.


Dinosaur Discussion 1 Are dinosaurs real? A Christian discussion. Did God create the dinosaurs? Or are the fossils simply a fabrication?

Dinosaur Discussion 2 Are dinosaurs real? A Christian discussion. Did God create the dinosaurs? Or are the fossils simply a fabrication? Continuing on from Discussion 1.

Dinosaur Discussion 3 Where did the dinosaurs come from? Did dinosaurs ever exist? Are dinosaur fossils simply fabrications or constructions? This discussion not limited to Christians.

Dinosaur Discussion 4: Which One is it? What if your eternal destiny depended on you answering one question? Just one. How would you go? And just what sort of impact could this have on the dinosaurs?

Dinosaur Discussion 5: An Academic Exercise Was the geologic column laid down at the time of the Flood? Or constructed at the Creation point? And just what affect does this have on the dinosaurs? An academic exercise. Oh yeah, Noah's Flood also found.

Finding the Flood: Just where was it? Scientists have tracked a world-wide drought to 4200 BP. But could this world-wide drought be the fallout from a world-wide flood?

Before the Flood: The Antediluvian World Just what did civilization look like before the Flood? What structural memories are left from the Antediluvian World for us to see? Did the Flood leave anything or was everything just swept away or buried under many layers of sediment?


For this month we have ...
Adam Meets Eve for the First Time
Image:Adam Meets Eve for the First Time

Image:Support The Orion Confederation: Take your stand against the coming UFO threat!
Jason Salas
© Messianic Publications

E-mail: chodesh [at]
Last revised: 7 Dec 2024.
Note: humour section updates differently.

Page design/construction 2021.



The Boat That Wouldn't Burn!
The Building that Moved
Ben Carson's Dream
The Bushman's Story
The Mysterious Rider on PG-16
The Day the Banks Crashed
The Man Who Died Twice
From Evolutionist to Creationist The incredible testimony of a former university evolution lecturer. But see Controversial section below. The incredible testimony of a former university evolution lecturer. But see Controversial section below.

UFOs THE ANSWER! Flying Saucers Ufonauts Extraterrestrials Space Aliens Flying Saucers Ufonauts Extraterrestrials Space Aliens UPDATED AND EXPANDED July 2011. More John Keel quotes. Translation update to RSV. Some small cosmetic changes in text. Completely new POSTSCRIPT section added.
Feb 2012: Translation update to NRSV.
  • Just what is the REAL story behind UFOs? Why do ghosts and strange phenomenon keep cropping up together with UFO activities?
  • UFO entities' hidden agenda for Earth finally revealed! Hidden in some UFO communications a message has been found that reveals their true agenda for the Earth planet!
John Keel's UFOs: OPERATION TROJAN HORSE: some gems Here are some real gems from John Keel's book UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse.

UFO ALIENS and DEMONOLOGY A challenge for those who want to believe in the UFO extraterrestrial theory. View these images and deny any relationship between demonology and space aliens!

The Paul movie—a puzzling review Why is this movie anti-religion and pro-Evolution? Actual UFO communications do not support the sentiments promulgated in this movie!

Do the Dead Speak? many people, some Christians included, believe that it is possible to communicate with the dead. Is it really possible? Here are the answers!

Christ Alive and Well in London An investigation of the claim that Christ has been sighted alive and well in London.

God's Sanctuary Did you know that God has a sanctuary? Ancient mysterious prophecies reveal an amazing story of how the Sanctuary of God is vitally important to the end-time events of this world's history!

The Seven Day Week in Bible Prophecy Where did the week come from? Why does it have seven days? Also what can we expect to happen at the end of time?

The Christian SABBATH A study investigating if there is a weekly day of worship for Christians; and a comparison of the Christian Sabbath, The Lord's Day in the New Testament with the Jewish Sabbath in the Old Testament.

The Lunar Sabbath There are a few groups that claim the Christian rest day should be regulated by the lunar month and not necessarily follow a rigid 7-day cycle. Trying to follow the construction of the calendar in Old Testament times they use the new moon to start each lunar month. But unlike the Jews they are all over the place: using a dark moon, a waxing crescent moon [like the Jews], and even the full moon! And this list may not be exhaustive. Similarly for day constructs: sunset, not at sunset, dawn, night time and so on. Some groups believe the Sun orbits the Earth, some don't. Same for the Earth being a flat circular plate. And the calendar they use appears to be very similar to the original Babylonian lunar rest-day calendar. A very curious situation and very novel read. Indeed.

Communications something different! Some interesting e-mails have come in; the replies have also covered some areas that are interesting. Time permitting will add to this. May not have time to reply to individual queries so this page may fill that need.


SUNDAY NOT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT! Well this is a disaster. Mainly for those who want to use any verses from the New Testament to support keeping Sunday, the first day of the week. A study of the Greek texts in the New Testament shows that ALL the verses mentioning the “first day of the week” or “Sunday” have been mistranslated. This study gives the correct translation. Nearly makes obsolete the study "Which DAY Should Christians Keep?" However there is a wealth of information there about the correct day of worship to make it still a very good and very important read!

The Seven Day Week in Bible Prophecy Where did the week come from? Why does it have seven days? Also what can we expect to happen at the end of time?

The Christian SABBATH A study investigating if there is a weekly day of worship for Christians; and a comparison of the Christian Sabbath, The Lord's Day in the New Testament with the Jewish Sabbath in the Old Testament.

Which DAY Should Christians Keep? This study looks at which day is the correct day for Christians to worship on. Part outdated due to new studies above. But there is a wealth of information here about the correct day of worship to make this still a very good and very important read!!

The Law of God versus the Law of Moses Some claim that the law was finished or done away with at the cross and we are now free in Christ Jesus. Yes, there was a law done away with but many will be surprised to find out that the Bible mentions 2 laws—here they are compared.

What the CHURCHES say about the SABBATH quotations from various churches etc about the Seventh day Sabbath.

THE LAW OF GOD: Picture; Text; Original THE LAW OF GOD: The picture option here shows a "Hebrewised" sort of looking text on tables but it's English so you can read it.
The original option is an attempt to show what the text probably looked like as it came from the hand of God.

Church Acknowledgements About Sunday
It's Jewish this is a poem; I'm not sure exactly where I got it from, but part of it appeared in Signs of the Times, August, 1976, p. 4.

Was Christ Crucified on Wednesday? Did Christ die on Wednesday or Friday? Some people believe that the crucifixion took place on Wednesday—after all, Jesus was in the tomb three days and three nights, wasn’t He? Here are the answers!

The Heart of God Alternative title: God's Heart. Curious study showing the earthly sanctuary in the Old Testament was symbolic of the Heart of God.

Finding the historical crucifixion date A very fascinating study looking for the Friday crucifixion date in some possible years that may yield a solution. Approach uses a couple of different new moon worship days that the Jews would have used to construct their calendar. Results give a date and suggest which new moon approach is most likely to be correct. An interesting study with two outcomes.

From Evolutionist to Creationist The incredible testimony of a former university evolution lecturer. Climaxes with his mentioning of leading an evolutionary discussion group with post graduate students at his university in a hall with all staff present. He started his lecture and then highlighted every single problem in the gene system as far as he had sorted it out and closed with the comment "Therefore Evolution is not possible!"
An extremely powerful and controversial presentation but sadly not convincing to many atheists.
This is not a proof. It is a testimony.
Nevertheless, this is a very wonderful and powerful presentation and anyone puzzling over Creation and Evolution should find this very interesting and definitely worth viewing.
It may not answer your questions. And then again, it just might!

The No God Delusion - Creation Vs Evolution - Marius Jigau. This is a Christian presentation and ends with a prayer. BUT the short bit of information presented here about Lucy (Australopithecus) is worth the video. In fact the Lucy information alone makes this presentation well worth the watch!


The Christian and Alcohol Some Christians maintain that “drinking in moderation” is not harmful, and that abstinence is not a Biblical principle. Is this view correct?

The Bible and Booze An Old Testament scholar looks at what the Bible says about drinking alcohol.


Should Christians Practice Yoga? A real hot potato as there are many Christians who practice Yoga. A recent study showed a very curious observance of the new moon by some Yoga groups which actually brings to light a very fascinating dimension to Yoga that not many people would be aware of.

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina --a sort of weird review. There appears to be a strange dark direction that a lot of TV shows have taken over the last decade. And it is noticeable. And could this be a part of or an indicator of the expected darkness beginning to envelop the Earth as we get nearer to the return of the Lord?

Sabrina and Salem. Teenage Witch show circa 1996.
Image:Sabrina and Salem. Teenage Witch show possibly 1996.

MISSING: 107 Million Atheists! Using the 2012 and 2015 Gallup International poll results for the demographics of atheism suggests that 107 Million Atheists are now missing. Just where did they go?

Bart Ehrman: Lost Scriptures, Lost Christianities.
The dust jacket for these books state Bart Ehrman chairs the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill [as of 2003]. Obviously a very controversial person! The book on "lost" "Christianities" champions the view that the books that did not make it into the New Testament actually were representative of various forms of "Christianity" that were competing in the first few centuries and that the current view of Christianity that we now have is the one that won the battle.

A very interesting read but when you actually look at the books he is championing it is pretty obvious that the bulk are gnostic or full of mystical views or if I dare say it, strange sexual views, that are not supported by the Bible. In short, his supposition really stretches the imagination.

I have a copy of both of these books as they form a companion set. I would not recommend the Lost Christianities book except as a really novel read but not to be taken seriously. However, the other book that Bart has put together is a very fascinating look at these books [completely translated where possible]. Not really "Lost" "Scriptures" but a good compilation of the actual books that did not make it into the New Testament. And as such a reasonable source book for a Christian to have to refer to whenever needing to discuss any of these "Lost" "Scriptures" with other believers or non-believers.


Should Christians Practice Yoga? A real hot potato as there are many Christians who practice Yoga. A recent study showed a very curious observance of the new moon by some Yoga groups which actually brings to light a very fascinating dimension to Yoga that not many people would be aware of.

Finding the historical crucifixion date A fascinating study with two outcomes—using various new-moon models to determine a possible date for the crucifixion. And finding this date shows just which new moon model is likely to be correct.

The Lunar Sabbath There are a few groups that claim the Christian rest day should be regulated by the lunar month and not necessarily follow a rigid 7-day cycle. Trying to follow the construction of the calendar in Old Testament times they use the new moon to start each lunar month. But unlike the Jews they are all over the place: using a dark moon, a waxing crescent moon [like the Jews], and even the full moon! And this list may not be exhaustive. Similarly for day constructs: sunset, not at sunset, dawn, night time and so on. Some groups believe the Sun orbits the Earth, some don't. Same for the Earth being a flat circular plate. And the calendar they use appears to be very similar to the original Babylonian lunar rest-day calendar. A very curious situation and very novel read. Indeed.

New Moon Importance Why the New Moon worship day is Important to Christians. The Bible Month, Mentioned in the new earth, Health, Bible Prophecy, The general Christian worship day, Easter and Christmas. Work problems.


Dinosaur Discussion 1 Are dinosaurs real? A Christian discussion. Did God create the dinosaurs? Or are the fossils simply a fabrication?

Dinosaur Discussion 2 Are dinosaurs real? A Christian discussion. Did God create the dinosaurs? Or are the fossils simply a fabrication? Continuing on from Discussion 1.

Dinosaur Discussion 3 Where did the dinosaurs come from? Did dinosaurs ever exist? Are dinosaur fossils simply fabrications or constructions? This discussion not limited to Christians.

Dinosaur Discussion 4: Which One is it? What if your eternal destiny depended on you answering one question? Just one. How would you go? And just what sort of impact could this have on the dinosaurs?

Dinosaur Discussion 5: An Academic Exercise Was the geologic column laid down at the time of the Flood? Or constructed at the Creation point? And just what affect does this have on the dinosaurs? An academic exercise. Oh yeah, Noah's Flood also found.

Finding the Flood: Just where was it? Scientists have tracked a world-wide drought to 4200 BP. But could this world-wide drought be the fallout from a world-wide flood?

Before the Flood: The Antediluvian World Just what did civilization look like before the Flood? What structural memories are left from the Antediluvian World for us to see? Did the Flood leave anything or was everything just swept away or buried under many layers of sediment?


For this month we have ...
Adam Meets Eve for the First Time
Image:Adam Meets Eve for the First Time

Image:Support The Orion Confederation: Take your stand against the coming UFO threat!
Jason Salas
© Messianic Publications

E-mail: chodesh [at]
Last revised: 7 Dec 2024.
Note: humour section updates differently.

Page design/construction 2021.